Price Sheet (PDF - single file):
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Prices above are current! Yes, right now, they are current! Updated Jan. 23, 2024.

Note: a specific product or dimension being on a price sheet does guarantee it is a regular inventory item - please contact us to confirm availability for all items.

Answers to some frequently asked questions:
  • We do not sell cedar, locust, or black walnut
  • We do not purchase or custom saw logs from the general public
  • We do not sell firewood, sawdust, or shavings

We saw mostly Eastern White Pine and do our best to maintain a rough-sawn inventory of 1" and 2" pine in lengths of 8', 10', 12', 14' and 16'.

We saw timbers TO ORDER up to 26' long. It's best to place an order for anything 4x4 & up.

We also saw hemlock and native hardwoods when the opportunity arises.

We carry quality kiln-dried, finished interior and exterior lumber, including:

  • 6" & 8" tongue & groove
  • 8" & 12" shiplap
  • 1" S4S

We make custom flooring in pine (yes, wide pine), red oak, white oak, ash, and other native species. Please allow 4 — 6 weeks. It's a process.

Locally sourced Custom Framing Timbers

Hardwood & Wide Pine Flooring Custom flooring, clear to rustic country grade

Kiln-dried finished lumber S4S, ship lap, T&G, novelty & clapboard siding